What should I pay attention to in the process of custom Desk calendar&Wall calendar?

In the process of these operations, it is necessary to pay attention not to always use some customary ways to do a good job of operation, it may be a long time for a certain package to do a good job of printing, it may develop a more fixed operation method, and if you change another kind of packaging, if you also adopt a consistent operation method, it is very likely to lead to problems with the printed products. And the possibility of accidents at work due to the use of consistent operating practices.

In particular, in the process of job replacement, it is necessary to first look at whether the printed packaging product has been replaced, if the product model has changed, then it is necessary to replace the previous customary operation in the process of right-handed operation

Safety issues should also be ensured in the custom Desk calendar&Wall calendar process. For example, multiple people are required to work together in many processes. If one person's concentration is not enough and skidder occurs, mechanical failures are likely to occur. It's even possible to get your fingers involved and cause an accident.

Therefore, in the process of packaging and printing, we should actively prevent possible damage. Of course, at present, more is the use of fast printing to do a good job of printing operations, digital fast printing operations do not need to do a good job of plate making, so security generally does not occur. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to the process of operation, such as the customer's order may change the packaging pattern midway, some customers may prefer the change of the packaging pattern of the same batch of products, plus the user does not have a detailed explanation in the order, then at this time, it is necessary to do a detailed audit and proofreading of each order. Ensure that the printing pattern is done in strict accordance with the requirements of the user, otherwise if there is no clear change in the printing pattern, it is possible to print a whole batch of products can not meet the requirements, resulting in a large number of waste products which no one wants to see.

custom Desk calendar&Wall calendar also printing a need to pay attention to is to check the ink cartridge. In some processes, because the operator may be careless, there is no ink cartridge inside and the equipment continues to operate, at this time, the printed pattern may have some places where the color can not be displayed, so that it can only be printed out of waste, resulting in a large amount of paper and material waste. Be sure to check whether there is enough ink in the ink cartridge before you turn it on. If the ink cartridge is gone, the ink needs to be replaced. Before the first printing, we should first do a trial printing, print only one product and check whether there are quality problems in the printed sample, such as whether the text or pattern is clear enough, and compare the sample provided by the user to see if there are any inconsistencies. In the process of inspection should be done in a well-lit place, so as to be able to do a careful comparative analysis. Through these inspection operations, it is found that the first printed product is fully in line with the requirements, so that the next printing operation can continue.

custom Desk calendar&Wall calendar https://www.thpkgg.com/Desk-calendar-Wall-calendar.html